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Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Kelvin Ramos
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Kelvin Ramos
Photo by Kelvin Ramos
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Liz* Jacobs
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Jennifer Eden
Photo by Liz* Jacobs
Photo by Kelvin Ramos
May 1 - 4, 2025
Prince William Forest Park
Triangle, VA

Fertile Ground Gathering is the largest Beltane celebration in the Northern Virginia area, founded in 2008 and celebrated each year at Prince William Forest Park in Triangle, VA.


Our volunteer team puts together a rich, powerful, rejuvenating celebration that has become a much anticipated annual retreat for many in the region and beyond.


Each year we create an integral experience around a central theme, and all our workshops, rituals, activities, and even performances are designed to come together for an unforgettable journey.


We are excited to do it again every year, and we always look forward to seeing new and familiar faces at Beltane!


For updates and information, you can also follow us on our social media sites.

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Event Theme

Each year we create an integral experience around a central theme, and all our workshops, rituals, activities, and even performances are designed to come together for an unforgettable journey.

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One of the reasons that many of us have sought the Pagan paths is because they offer us the opportunity to take part in a practice that is unique to each of us, to speak with our own voices about what has been, what is, and what could be...what matters to our souls.

But the world can be a divisive place, and often it is easy to forget the importance of our own voices when they seem so small compared to the cacophony around us.  We need a place where we can step back, take a break from the voices of the everyday world, and listen once more to the one that matters most of all: the one that tells us who it is that we each want to be.

In the seventeen years since the first of us set foot on the grounds of Fertile Ground Gathering, hundreds upon hundreds of people have been a part of the event and the community, and they have lent their voices in word and song, chant and story, helping to build something that speaks to us all.  Because though we each have a voice, this event that we have built together has come to have its own voice as well.


This year, we invite you to come and speak your truth, sing your song, tell your story, and add your own voice to the chorus as we shape the magic of the coming year.

Join us, and unite together as One Voice.


Featured Sponsors

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A Place to Lose Yourself

A Place to Find Yourself

The Wilder Grove is the realization of a life-long dream to offer education, guidance, and services to those who follow the Nature Paths as a way of life and spirituality.  Through our years of service to the spiritual community, we have gained the knowledge and experience to humbly offer our wisdom to those who seek to better understand themselves and the path they are on.

We look forward to deepening our service, and to helping you find your personal truth.

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The long dark of the winter approaches, and with it, the opportunity to turn within.  To take the experiences we had during the growing season, and reflect upon them, learn from them, use them to perform the inner working that allows us to awaken in the spring with new wisdom, insight, and self-realization.

Mystic Fire is is a dream created by the spiritual team that has been crafting rituals for Fertile Ground Gathering since 2015;  it is an intensive retreat designed to help each of us create the tools we will carry with with us through the darkness, to light the way as we prepare for rebirth.

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Darkflower Books & Folk Art is the home of the Spiral Pathways series. We are a folklore and witchcraft education company, and everything in the shop was created by a practicing witch with over thirty-five years experience mentoring and teaching in the Pagan community. We are here to help keep the Old Ways alive and spread knowledge and healing to a wider community.

  • Tava Baird
  • Tava Baird
  • Darkflower Books & Folk Art

Everyone is imbued with divine essence, light, healing and wisdom.  Each of us has these divine gifts deeply within.  Our purpose is to help you identify, awaken and nurture these gifts in order to enable healing and wholeness for you and others.  

Each of us naturally yearns for further awareness of these gifts, and that divinely inspired yearning may be the reason you are reading these words right now.  We simply seek to help you connect more fully with these innate gifts through the gracious understandings and gentle practices of Reiki.  

Regardless of what has led you here, we are dedicated to helping you discover and implement the best path forward for your life in this moment.

  • Willow Ridge Reiki and Healing Arts
  • WillowRidgeReiki
  • WIllow Ridge Reiki & Healing Arts
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Musings for the mystical, readings, healings, pastoral counseling services, magickal and ritual work.

Glasse Witch Cottage is a safe, sacred space for guidance and connection along the Winding Path. Our Guides are experienced teachers, leaders, ritualists, spiritworkers, divinators, healers and more.

  • Glasse Witch Cottage
  • @glassewitch
  • Glasse Witch Cottage
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Gretchen is an empowerment coach, energy healing facilitator, spiritual teacher, and spiritual event leader providing services that can support the unique qualities of who you are as an individual. Through her programs, 1-to-1 sessions, and events, you can discover ways to pause, reflect, relax and recharge, and bring your body, mind and spirit into balance.  Her sessions are uniquely tailored to suit your most important needs to help you navigate your spiritual path and achieve what's most important for you. ​

  • Spiral Journeys
  • Spiral Journeys
  • Spiral Journeys
  • Spiral Journeys

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