Directions to Fertile Ground Gathering
Map and Park Website
Cabin Camp 2 is located at 17175 Mawavi Road, Triangle, VA 22172 which is off Route 619 (Joplin Road) approximately 4 miles from I-95. Follow the directions below based on the direction you are driving from.
NOTE: Once you turn from Joplin Road onto Mawavi,
Immediately turn left to stay on Mawavi Road.
Follow signs that say "Mawavi" or "Camp 2" to
the parking area. Please use extra care on all park roads; they are narrow and curvy.
Prince William Forest Park website.
Cabin Camp 2 website.
Coming from Washington DC and points north
Take Interstate 95 south to Exit 150B
Merge onto Joplin Road (VA-619) West
Go 4.5 miles, and turn right onto Mawavi Road (signs will say "Camps 2 and 5")
Immediately turn left to stay on Mawavi Road
Follow signs that say "Mawavi" or "Camp 2" to the parking area.
Please use extra care on all park roads; they are narrow and curvy.
Coming from Fredericksburg and points south
Take Interstate 95 north to Exit 150
Take exit 150 for VA-619 toward Triangle/Quantico
Keep left at the fork
Go 4.5 miles, and turn right onto Mawavi Road (signs will say "Camps 2 and 5")
Immediately turn left to stay on Mawavi Road
Follow signs that say "Mawavi" or "Camp 2" to the parking area.
Please use extra care on all park roads; they are narrow and curvy.
Coming from Manassas and points west
Take Dumfries Road (VA-234) south
Turn right at light onto Independent Hill road
Turn left at stop sign onto Bristow Road
Turn right onto Joplin Road (VA-619)
Go 5.2 miles, and turn left onto Mawavi Road (signs will say "Camps 2 and 5")
Important: Joplin Road crests a hill at Mawavi Road. Visibility beyond the hill is low
until you reach the top. Make sure you come to the top of the hill and can see well
beyond it before turning.
Immediately turn left to stay on Mawavi Road
Follow signs that say "Mawavi" or "Camp 2" to the parking area.
Please use extra care on all park roads; they are narrow and curvy.
Parking Information
When you first arrive, you are welcome to park in the main parking lot while you go through the check-in process.
After checking in, feel free to take a cart to your car to load up your belongings. You are welcome to take these carts to your cabin to unload. Please be sure to return them to the parking area so that others may use them.
Once you have unloaded your belongings, you will need to take your car to the auxiliary parking lot. Please return to the Registration area to be escorted to the auxiliary parking lot, and then shuttled back to the campsite.
Because parking is limited in the parking lot nearest the campsite, those spaces are reserved as a designated "staging area" to allow guests to unload their belongings only. Permanent parking in this area is reserved for guests with special needs or mobility issues. If you need special consideration regarding parking, please speak with someone at Registration.
Thank you.