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Inclusivity and Consent

Fertile Ground Gathering is a place that has been and must remain safe for all of our guests. Any situation involving abuse or unwanted sexual advances or physical contact toward anyone, will be treated very seriously by our staff, may result in removal from the event if deemed necessary by our staff, and will be reported to law enforcement as appropriate.


We expect and require our guests to be mindful of the need for consent from others for situations including, but not limited to, sexual contact, platonic physical contact, and intrusion upon personal space.


At a Pagan festival, many people's inhibitions are lowered. But the word "No" must always be honored. If your interest in another attendee of the Gathering is not returned, that is where it ends. If, at any time, you feel as if someone is making unwanted advances toward you, please reach out immediately to our staff (those wearing staff badges at all times as well as neon green or red wristbands during the day, and green or red glow sticks at night).

​​​We welcome people at Fertile Ground Gathering regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, skin color, ethnicity, age*, or belief.

* Minors must be accompanied at the event by a parent or legal guardian.

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